Agriculture & Food Systems: Food ecology for would-be food enabling urbanists

The Challenge Of The Transition Project
16 Feb. 2024
09 - 11h
CHF 75.00
Marjolein Visser,Professor, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
Architects, urbanists, engineers and even landscape designers are trained to focus on building the places and spaces we live in, thus externalizing key aspects dealing with agriculture, ecology and food. So urbanisation typically ignores food needs and disables food growing. The first ambition of this workshop is to introduce a number of universal principles and concepts comings from systems ecology applied to agriculture and our agrarian past, present and future. While doing this, a wealth of further readings will be suggested to indeed further feed a food-enabling urbanism. The second ambition is to give practical hints for personal and collective regrounding toward genuine “food care” overall. Taken together, these elements should unlock fresh pathways to tackle our common 21st century challenges, through the prism of food.