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Marjolein Visser

Doctor of Applied Biology (Ghent University, 1997-2001), Marjolein Visser is a specialist in agroecology and farming systems, particularly in matters of food production and farmer wages benefiting the totality of local and global socio-ecosystem.

Professor of Agronomic Sciences at the Free University of Brussels, she can be found teaching Bachelor and Master students, in the classroom and the field. She contributes to research projects on the subject of diversified seeds and ecological cultivation – in connection with farmers, bakers, millers and citizens, be they urban agriculture or family farms.


Selected works:

– Louah L., M. Visser, A. Blaimont & C. De Cannière, 2017. Barriers to the development of temperate agroforestry as an example of agroecological innovation : Mainly a matter of cognitive lock-in ? Land Use Policy 67: 86-97.

– Stassart P.M., Ph. Baret, J-Cl. Grégoire, Th. Hance, M. Mormont, D. Reheul, D. Stilmant, G. Vanloqueren & M. Visser, 2012. Trajectoire et potentiel de l’agroécologie, pour une transition vers des systèmes alimentaires durables, papier de positionnement du GIRAF, in Agroécologie, entre pratiques et sciences sociales (eds. Van Dam D., J. Nizet, M. Streith and P.M. Stassart), Educagri, 2012. Downloadable from

– Visser M. & D. Reheul, 2001. Restoring depleted Tunisian drylands with native species: where should we source the seeds? Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 48:567-578.


Transition Workshop expert since 2023.