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Info Session #2


Register for our second Info Session on Thursday, September 19, from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., to discover the program and the Transition Workshop 2025 team. Come and ask your questions before applying! Register

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2025 applications open!


Send your application to participate in the Transition Workshop 2025. Deadline: November 10, 2024. See conditions

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Applications for Transition Workshop 2025 open soon


We will shortly be announcing the opening of applications for the next Transition Workshop. If you’d like to be informed of the dates of the Theory Masterclass and the new Design Studio website as soon as they are launched, sign up below: Receive information about the Transition Workshop Email Address 

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Summary of the 2nd session


If the (de)carbonization of cities and territories has its metrics and costs, what about their resilience in the face of climate change? Following on from last February’s introduction to the challenges of ecological transition, the second session of the TransitionWorkshop 2024 offered participants a cross-section of views on the parameters and dimensions of the issue […]

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The first session of the Theory Masterclass is over!


A quick look back at the first 3-day session, during which we welcomed Dominique Bourg, Carmen de Jong, Sylvain Ferretti, Marjolein Visser and Mathis Wackernagel, as well as Martine Rebetez for her first conference in the Transition Workshop, in front of the fifteen highly motivated participants of the Transition Workshop 2024. The last day was […]

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Call for applications open for the Transition Workshop 2024!


Find out the dates of the 4 sessions of the Theory Masterclass, the practical part of the Transition Workshop for the coming year, and send us your application! (The proposed courses and professors may be subject to change).

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Pole position for the Theory Masterclass!


While waiting, here is some bibliography on the subject of ecological transition. On our side, we’ll do our best to welcome you, whether remotely or in person at the Foundation! Registration for the Theory Masterclass remains open, and courses are also available à-la-carte.

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Transition Workshop | the movie


 Watch the film made at this year’s TW and meet the speakers, tutors and participants of this extraordinary project.

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Sylvain Ferreti, director general, Planning Office, Canton of Geneva


“The ecological transition is an indispensable step towards the resolution of the climate emergency.“

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James Lovelock, ecologist (1919 – 2022)


“City wisdom became almost entirely centered on the problems of human relationships, in contrast to the wisdom of any natural tribal group, where relationships with the rest of the animate and inanimate world are still given due place.”

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Noélie Lecoannet, architecture Ph.D. student , EPFL


“A multidisciplinary reading is a cross-reference consideration of all the fields that are involved in the ecological struggle.”

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